Monday, August 22, 2011

It's Official!! The nest is empty!

Well, it is official now.  My daughter drove back to college and my husband and I spent the weekend moving my son into his dorm room.  Very emotional for all of us.  Well, maybe just me, but it was hard for my husband too.
Christmas time!

Best Buddies!

I love my little brother.
 We have spent the last 21 years raising children and then one day all too soon they spread their wings and fly.  Maybe they hop on the ground a few times first but then hopefully they fly.  Here are a few pictures of the kids when they were younger.

The Lord has blessed us with our family and I pray he keeps them close to him as they move out into the world!  Thanks for reading and letting me vent my Empty Nest Blues!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, As a mom, nana and empty nester I can well remember how difficult it was when my girls flew to their own nests. I will tell you though that your relationship will become deeper and closer as they grow older. It's amazing how quickly one can adjust to a quieter house and now I have nine grandkids that keep me young.
    Blessings to you this day.
